discussion continued
the last post I described how to develop the flat bottom panel of the
sampram and how to develop the bow and stern transoms. In this post
we'll discover how to develop the side panels.
sides of the sampram have pretty constant angle to the bottom which
allows us to develop the panel fairly easily.
first step is to determine the overall length of the panel at at
least two elevations or waterlines. The first step is to draw in two
waterlines on the profile one as close to the bottom as possible, but
still staying within the confines of the panel shape, and the same at
the top.
waterlines are then transferred to the plan drawing using the method
described here and here , with a hitch, since your sections
are already developed you draw the waterlines through the sections
then transfer those points, the intersections of waterline and
station line in the section, to the station line on the plan drawing
and then join those points to make a curve.
those curves are drawn then we start to construct the side panel in
the same way that we did the bottom panel. However with the bottom we
knew we had a good starting point since we knew the position of the
bow and stern and we could start our drawing from either end. In this
case you don't really know where the bow and stern edges will fall so
you need to start from station 5 and work in both directions. Why you
ask, well with the bottom the section lines in the plan drawing are vertical and
parallel and remain so on the panel. The section lines on the profile a similarly vertical and parallel but on the panel when transferred they are not and you can
see this by measuring the distance between the station lines on the
section drawing on the waterlines.
difference may appear miniscule but it makes a huge difference to the
shape of the panel.
any event we start to transfer the distances between the station
lines to our panel drawing. To start draw an horizontal lines as the
baseline for the panel drawing. Draw a vertical line, which will be
station 5, up from the baseline. Transfer the distance from the lower
waterline to the intersection of the chine and station 5 from the
section drawing,
draw an horizontal line through the intersection of the new station
five and the transferred circle. That horizontal line is our lower
transfer the other distances from the station 5 section in the
section drawing to our panel drawing. The circle A is the lower
waterline, B is the upper waterline and C is the full length of the
station line at section 5. Draw in the upper waterline and we're
ready to begin drawing in the gunwale and chine.
Ignore those station lines they were just there to establish a central point for station 5.
Erase all the station lines, except 5, and the circles leaving the tick mark where circle C cuts station 5.
time, the panel itself!
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